
Monday 24 June 2019

How To Comment On Blogs !!

How To Comment On  Blogs !!
Hello Guys!!
As we all know why bloggers should comment on other blogs: For the benefits of backlinks, traffic, and branding.
The difficult part is drawing a line between self-promotion and building a powerful brand. Some of you may know that itchy feeling of dropping a link to your best article and using your keyword name as your commentator name (along with other mistakes new bloggers often make).
Commenting remains one of the easiest ways to drive traffic.
Building backlinks and forming relationships with other bloggers are certainly some key benefits of strong commenting habits. There are, however, people who focus on quantity, perhaps misunderstanding that more comments do not equal more traffic and improved relationships with fellow bloggers.

The only time comments will help is if the comments add value and are meaningful, useful additions to a post.
Always remember, when talking about comments:

And indeed, I have personal experience to back up this statement, as my blog has benefited from good commenting habits, and I have built good relationships with other bloggers by adding useful, meaningful comments onto their blogs.

kind of blog comments do we hate?

I moderate more than 100 comments every day, and I know what kind of comments make me feel good or give me food for thought, and what kind of comments leave me with a negative feeling or no feeling at all.
For example:
·         “Nice post”
·         “Nice info!”
·         “Great share!”
·         “Useful post”
·         “Amazing write-up!”
·         “Awesome” 
·         "Good Post"

Such comments may be positive in nature, but they add no value whatsoever to the post. Nobody wants to read meaningless drivel that simply takes up space. A blog’s commenting feature should only be used to add value to the post.

If you are making the mistake of adding meaningless 2-3 word comments on various blogs, you are wasting your time, and more importantly, you are wasting the time of the other blogger — annoying fellow bloggers is not the point of commenting.
You might add 100 comments on various posts of any blog, but you will never build a good relationship with that blogger, you will never benefit from your meager efforts and you will be hurting your own brand name.

Let’s talk about how to develop a practice of good, strong, meaningful commenting that will benefit you and your fellow bloggers and readers.
First, I suggest that you sign up for Gravatar so that you can add a personal image or brand image to your commenting profile. This is a must-have requisite when looking to brand yourself.
Next, whenever you read a post that you find useful or meaningful in some way, think about how you can add value to that post.
If you read a post that you think is deserving of only a “good info” or “good share”, then you don’t have anything meaningful to add to the post and don’t comment. But, if you liked the post, you should consider sharing the article to show your appreciation and/or respect.
If you are going to add commentary, state clearly what you liked about the post, or mention how the post has helped or enlightened you as a reader. If you have additional information, add it within the context of your comment.
Have you tweeted the post? If so, mention it in your comment. This will let the blogger know that you respect what he/she has written and that you appreciate and value the great work that he/she does.
Add your thoughts on commenting in the comments section below! But make sure it’s adding value!!
If you find the information in this post useful, share it with your friends!

Friday 21 June 2019

How to Become a Professional Blogger

How to Become a Professional Blogger

Hello Folks,
If you want to become a professional blogger, Follow These Steps...
Blogging is a fun pastime to entertain and inform a large audience. If you’re feeling serious about your blog or looking to make money by starting one, the market is easy to access for you to step into. Make a commitment and start blogging today, and you can see the rewards pay off!

1. Start Blogging

1. Become an expert on a topic you enjoy talking about. 
A large audience won’t want to hear about your day-to-day life, but they will read if you are passionate about something. Use what you know well to your advantage to create content that is interesting to a reader. Make sure what you’re writing about isn’t too niche. For example, if you are interested in balloon twisting, make sure the audience of balloon-twisters who will read your content is large enough. select one of them .....
      2. Write opinions, reviews, or essays. 
      Each of these styles will cater to a different audience when it comes time to post your blog. Consider what category you fall into as a blogger, and stay consistent with your style. Opinion blogs like Huffington Post attract many political readers. Reviews will help potential product buyers understand how you felt about a product to help base their decisions. Essays can be stories or anecdotes that are relatable to an audience.

      3. Pick a blogging website. 
      Websites like Wordpress or Blogger help provide setups for a novice or an experienced blogger wanting to become professional. These sites will give you tools and options, like editing metadata to help your blog succeed.

      4. Purchase your domain name. 
Earn from blogging, best blog, nikhil jaiswal, solace ecstasy xenial
      Domains are usually around Rs.199 for a year of hosting through GoDaddy or Hover. Having your own domain name will help you look more professional and will allow an easy link for your audience to type in to access your posts.  When deciding on a domain name, consider using your name or something related to the topic you are talking about.  When choosing a hosting service, make sure to evaluate their up-times and the speed they provide. Many will have these statistics available from their home page.

    2. Maintain Posts

    1. Write posts.
      Consider your blog as a job you need to upkeep every day. Audiences won’t want to wait months in between blog posts, so provide them with new content daily to keep site traffic up and your readers interested. It’s a smart idea to write blog posts ahead of time and saves them as drafts to publish when you need them.

Earn from blogging, best blog, nikhil jaiswal, solace ecstasy xenial2. Use clear specific post titles. 
To help search engine optimization (SEO), try to use concise titles to explain what your post is discussing. There’s a reason many articles start out “10 Things You Didn’t know about Foods”Use keywords and phrases that are commonly typed in on search engines to help visibility for your blog.

     3. Include images in your posts. 
     Using pictures related to your content will help break up large blocks of text and also keep a reader intrigued in what you have to say. Include 2-3 images per post if you can. Make sure to properly credit the image sources if they are not your own photos.

     4. Limit your posts to 2,500 words. 
     Readers want to get the most out of their time, so try to use each word to its full advantage. 2,500 words is a length that is manageable to read in one sitting and will seem filled with more information than a blog post that only has 1,000 words.

     5.Link to other bloggers to support your ideas. 
     Linking to other blogs will help back up your views and provide more content for your reader. Readers will expect to receive credible information in your posts and will help you avoid plagiarizing other bloggers. Link back to older posts you’ve written to help prove your point and get traffic moving on posts that may otherwise go on forgetting.

     6. Promote your blog through social media. 
     Create a presence for your blog through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your new content. Your goal is to build a large audience of readers, so use hashtags with keywords related to your blog to help move it forward.  Don’t worry about being an annoying presence to your friends as you do this. Consider promoting your blog as building your business.
    3. Earn on your content
Earn from blogging, best blog, nikhil jaiswal, solace ecstasy xenial
1. Put Google AdSense on your site to run ads. 
Adsense helps place contextual ads on your blog page that helps you earn money when they receive clicks. AdSense through Google requires an account and a sign-up, and it can be added directly to your website from there. Google analyzes the content of your blog and will post related advertisements for your readers. When starting a blog, consider having ads right when you start out. This way, it won’t become a shock when ads appear on your blog later on.
       2. Link affiliates to your website to earn money per click. 
      Recommend a product on your blog that will earn you money when people sign up using the affiliate link. You can sign up through many companies to set an affiliate link, such as Amazon or Target that can help you earn revenue.

      3. Consider finding a business to write blogs for. 
     If building your own business through a personal blog isn’t right for you, search on job boards like Indeed or Monster to find businesses looking for blogging services. Many companies are looking for writers for their original content.

       4. Know that it takes time to build an audience and revenue. 
      Earning money on a blog is not an overnight process. Finding interested readers for your blog may take some time, so be patient and continue writing. The more content that you are able to crank out, the more eyes you may get on your blog. Continue working another job as you get your blog off the ground to help you stay steady with your finances.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Interview In My Office !!

Interview In My Office !!

Hello Folks,
 Today I learn a wonderful thing, Of course, you are here to know about my new experience..........!!

Guys, I saw lots of youtube videos and read wonderful stories and also read various types of novels, But now suddenly my mind gives me an excellent idea !!

I know you are very ambitious to know about my Idea.......
Here We are ...........
First Tell me one thing Are you a job seeker or freelancer.

"Why I ask you such type of questions"

again you become so curious !!

Now without taking your more time let's read this story and understand the basic ideology behind this story!

"A young man went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the initial tests and panel interview and then had to meet the director for the final interview.
The director discovered from his CV that the youth's academic achievements were excellent, so he asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships?"  The young man answered "no".
"Was it your father who paid for you to go to college?"

"My father passed away when I was young, it was my mother who paid for my education,” he replied.
"Where did your mother work?"
"She took in washing," replied the young man, blushing at what this important man must think of such menial work.
The director asked him to show him his hands. He looked at a pair of hands that were smooth, and strong and perfectly manicured.
"Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?" he asked.
"Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Besides, she can wash clothes much better than me."
The director said, "You seem to be an excellent candidate, but I have a request. When you go home today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then come back and see me tomorrow morning."
The young man felt that his chances of landing the job were very high, and went home feeling jubilant.  When he got home, he remembered what the director had said and he fetched a bowl of water, some soap, and flannel and asked his mother to let him wash her hands. His mother felt strange at this request.  Happy, but with mixed feelings, she offered her hands to her son.
He cleaned his mother's hands slowly, and as he did so tears started to roll down his face. It was the first time he had noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, the knuckles were swollen and gnarled, and there were so many small abrasions and bruises on them. Some abrasions were so painful that his mother winced when he touched them.
For the first time, he realized that it was this pair of hands that had done laundry for strangers day after day to enable him to go to college and university. The injuries to his mother's hands were the price that his mother had had to pay for his education and his future.
After cleaning his mother hands, he quietly washed and ironed all the remaining clothes for her and folded them neatly ready for collection the next day.
That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.
The next morning, he went back to the director's office.
The director noticed the tears that sprang into the young man's eyes when he asked: "Can you tell me what you learned yesterday when you went home?"
The young man answered," I washed my mother's hands, and also finished washing all the remaining clothes. I know now what appreciation is. Without my mother, I would not be who I am today. By helping my mother I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done on your own. And I have come to appreciate the importance and value of helping one’s family."
The director said, "This is what I am looking for in a manager. I want to employ a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done, and a person who does not put money as his only goal in life.”
“You are hired.”
He worked very hard and received the respect of his subordinates. He respected the work of every employee and worked diligently alongside them as a team.
A child, who has been protected and given whatever he wants, can develop a feeling of "entitlement" and may always put him/herself first. Ignorant of the efforts made by the people around. When such children become adults and start work, they may assume that every person must listen to them, and if they become a manager, they are often unable to understand the day to day struggles of the employees who work for them. These kinds of people, who may be good academically, and may be successful for a while, eventually find no sense of achievement. They will grumble and be forever dissatisfied and always fighting for more.
If we are overprotective parents, are we really showing love, or are we spoiling our children instead?
You can provide your child with a comfortable life in a big house, eating good meals, learning to play the piano, watching movies and playing games on a big screen TV. But when you are cutting the grass, please let them experience it. After a meal, let them wash their plates and bowls together with their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not have money to hire a maid, it is because you want to love them in the right way.  One of the most important things your child can learn is how to appreciate the effort, and experience the difficulty of day to day life, and to learn how to work with others to get things done."
 What you feel Guys Write your comment Below !!

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